Sunday, October 22, 2006

Freezing In The Land Down Under... and some.

It was freezing today. I said it before, and I'll say it again: I thought it's supposed to be spring!! Temperatures were all below 15 degrees... The day was deceptively sunny, but it felt like winter.

I hereby take back my complaints about that 36-degree-Celsius day.

Went to watch the Flare dance production (entitled 'Elements') just now with some friends from OCF. Flare is this dance club/ensemble at uni, and they put on a production every year. It was quite good. Makes me almost want to join and learn how to dance too. Lol. Halfway through, I remembered the time when Ern wanted a bunch of us to put on a performance for Teacher's Day or Speech Day or something. It wasn't only once; there were a few times, but each time, the plan never materializes, and we give up before we even started. Hahaha.

Anyway, went to Koko Black afterwards to have hot chocolate and more chocolate delicacies! Ahhh. Hot chocolate on a cold night - a beautiful combination.

On other matters, I've done my re-enrolment and put in my course transfer application; now to wait and pray.

I also lost $70+ worth of credit today.

[Insert words screams of frustration and a 15-minute rant.]

Okay, I feel better now. Gah. It was supposed to expire today, so I thought I'll recharge my credit today, but stupid Optus means it when they say it expires on 21/10/06... I thought it meant it'll expire at 00:00, 22/10/06 then. (If you follow my logic.) Maybe I'm used to what I did back in Brunei - with Easi, when the expiry date comes around, it expires after midnight on that said date (if I remember correctly). Sadly, that is not the case here.

The consolation I can have is that I am on the Turbo Recharge plan (meaning I get $120 worth of credit when I recharge $30 on my credit). Not much of a loss... I think. I didn't use a lot of credit this month (surprisingly).

I have to start studying!!


Anonymous said...

well nice to see i still get mentions, embarrassing as they may be :p anyway foongpei, im back in brunei for the week ... so yeah sisters wedding ... going back soon :p so if its cheaper for you to call brunei NOW is the time !!!!! hahah and btw Flare is a club here in newcastle too ... when i say club i mean like a dance club .. ahha but they play like 70's and 80's music ahaha its really cheesy and i realllyyy WANT to go, as im sure you can imagine:p call me and i will explain further !!

Slim and Deadly said...

LOL Turbo Credit always brings a smile to my face :)

Its the Penguin! Man that is one rocking penguin!! First the funky turbo penguin hop. Now the penguin DJ :)

Long live the Penguin! LOL