Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Broadcasting from OCW187 FM!! (One Corner of the World)

(Just something funny my friend sent to me...!)

*The awkward first phone call*

The Scene:
The Girl is a 23-year-old investment banker, working in New York.
The Boy is doing his residency in Boston and was given her number by his mother, who is a friend of the girl's aunt's brother-in-law's cousin's uncle's wife in Chicago.

Monday night, 10 p.m.

Girl: Hello?

Boy: Shit, she's home! Um, hi! Is this Pooja?

Girl: Speaking.

Boy: My name is Karan. I don't know if you know who I am. God, what if she doesn't know who I am? I don't even know why I'm doing this!

Girl: Oh, you live in Boston, right?

Boy: Yeah. Okay, so she was told about me, that's some relief. I wonder what she was told - "He's a resident, tall, and fair and he graduated from Ivy League school!" God, she probably hates me already!

Girl: Yeah, my mother mentioned you had my number. I can't believe he actually called!

Boy: So, how are you? Oh yeah, that's real original, but what the hell else I am supposed to say - Umm, hi, I don't know you, but do you want to be my wife?!

Girl: I'm fine. And you? Okay, this is off to a great start.

Boy: I'm good. Okay, think, think! So, I heard you're an investment banker? Oh, that's a real winner. Now I can be a bad conversationalist and
an idiot!

Girl: Yes.

Boy: Okay, she is not helping me at all! Where do you work?

Girl: Merrill Lynch.

Boy: Hey, that's a great firm! I sound like a complete moron. I should just hang up except my mother would somehow find out and kill me!

Girl: Yeah, it's a nice place to work. God, this guy sounds like a complete loser!

Boy: So... Stall, stall!

Girl: So you're doing your residency in cardiology? Like my mom didn't tell me that 500 times already!!

Boy: Okay, I can handle this... Yeah, I'm in my second year. Alright, now say something else, but what do I say? Do you drink? 'Cause if you want to marry me, you can't be one of those goody goody Indian girls who think that if they kiss a guy, they've practically gone all the way! So what do you like to do in your free time?

Girl: Umm... get wasted... Oh, you know, hang out with my friends, go to movies...

Boy: Where do you like to hang out in NY?

Girl: Shit, what am I supposed to say? This guy could be some religious freak! I can't say bars - I'll say clubs, you can go to clubs and not drink... Oh, sometimes we go to the movies, or there's a couple of clubs that are good... That was good, I made it sound like I like clubs, but I'm not really into them...

Boy: Okay, she goes to clubs, that's a good sign. If she was really religious, she wouldn't do that. Yeah? I like to dance as well.

Girl: He likes to dance - that's a good sign. He can't be that stiff! So where do you hang out in Boston?

Boy: Should I say it? Alright, I'll say it, what the hell! Umm, the same, bars, clubs, stuff like that.

Girl: He said bars! So he probably drinks. Good sign. I should explore this further... Are there any good bars in Boston?

Boy: Yeah, there are some nice onces, I mean, I'm not a huge drinker, but I like having a good time. Okay, that gives the impression of someone who enjoys drinking but is not an alcoholic - pretty good, if I do say so myself!

Girl: That sounds really positive. This guy sounds kind of cool. But if he's so cool, why is he calling me? Shouldn't he have a girlfriend? Or not need to call random girls his mother tells him about? God, what if he's completely ugly? Yeah, me too. Although I hope my parents never find out.

Boy: Yeah. I know exacvtly what you mean.

Girl: Okay, so he didn't freak out at the living a double-life reference - another good sign! I just wish I knew what he looked like... So...

Boy: Or she could be really fat with a huge mustache. Well, there's only one way to find out! So... I know this sounds a little crazy, but I'm visiting some friends in NYC next weekend and I wonder if you'd want to get together for coffee some time.

Girl: Coffee. That's totally safe. If he's totally nasty, I can have a quick expresso and run like hell! Yeah, that sounds great.

Boy: Alright, that went pretty well. Coffee's pretty harmless. And who knows, maybe she'll be cool. Now I have to get the hell out of this conversation... So, I have your e-mail, should I just e-mail you soon and we can figure it out?

Girl: E-mail is sooo much better than the phone. Thank God for e-mail! Yeah, just e-mail. I check it all the time at work, so - God, this is getting painful.

Boy: Alright, I'll e-mail you soon. Meaning in two days, 'cause I don't want to look too desperate, but at the same time I don't want to look like I'm trying not to look too desperate.

Girl: Cool. Well, I'm glad you called. I think...

Boy: Me too. Well, I'll see you soon. Please be hot, please be hot!

Girl: Alright. Bye. I can't believe he called! Too late to back out now. Besides, maybe he's cool. He didn't sound so bad on the phone.

Boy: Bye. I did it! I am the man! I think she wants me. Yeah, she definitely wants me...

Regarding my previous post: Chiew Hui said that she was wearing orange, NOT pink, yesterday... I don't know what's right anymore! I can't believe I'm that blur!! Am I?! I have to clarify with Ong Chi... I can't believe this, if Ong Chi says "orange", I think I'll just die. My blurness would be officially confirmed.

I went for my first Ensemble class - they were cancelled for the past couple of weeks. I missed the 1st week since I hadn't transferred then; the 2nd week, the teacher was in Moscow for a music conducting conference. He came back in the 3rd week, but the weather in Russia left him feeling a "little worse for the wear" (because of the "snow and ice"), so that was another class cancelled. We finally had a lesson this week. The Ensemble I was put in is the Faculty Choir (since I joined too late to be able to get into other ensembles).

I really enjoyed it! Lol. Singing!! It may not be pop, or your cup of tea, but it's definitely mine! We're learning this choral work by Gabriel Fauré. It's called Requiem, and it's his most famous work. The text is in Latin, and it sounds absolutely beautiful (even though requiems are technically funeral masses).

Aside from the lessons (which I'm finding rather enjoyable!), I have a couple of assignments, a response paper, and a couple of presentations dued in the coming weeks. Will be quite busy!

I'll update again soon. Jerry thinks that I'm "making up" for the lack of his posts since I'm posting quite often recently.

Well, let's put it this way; one corner of the world is better than silence from all corners! (No matter how lame that may sound.)


Anonymous said...

CONNIE! my like very RARE visits and then you tell people that youre doing music ! MUSIC CONNIE ! you said arts and arts doesnt include music ! or so you said !!! connieee !!! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING !!!! DONT post ur reply here cause i hardly ever read this ... so yeah ... MSN ! FAST ! QUICKLY !

- Ern -

Anonymous said...

oh shut up jerry :P
