Friday, October 21, 2005

I ought to be sleeping now but am not..

Many things on my mind for the past week. It's been one nerve-racking, rollercoaster week.

I know that I can always depend on God in spite of everything happening... Just praying and talking to Him leaves me with a great sense of peace in my heart. But I still need to talk to someone... but I don't really wish to bother you guys in Brunei 'cause of your AS exams...


Auditions tomorrow afternoon at UWA. A bit nervous, but just going to do my best. I should look presentable, so am deciding to wear a dress on one of those extremely rare occasions. =/

Btw... Hasinah!! Saw your tag, and yeah, I do have the Finding Neverland OST, can't stop listening to it everyday =) I'll email you soon! And also, Bev... hope you enjoyed your birthday lots! *hugs*


con` said...


well, yeaaa... but i mean, talk as in... actually picking up the phone and TALK. and ... even if i can call u (it's quite cheap for me to call to US), time differences, boy...

con` said...

juan: auditions... ok ok lah. haha. i'll post abt it soon. =) thx for ur... erm... "encouragement". hehe.

jerry: -_-"