Saturday, September 10, 2005

Just thought I’ll quickly blog before I go to sleep… Welcome to A Day In The Life of Connie Foong.

I rushed home from school as soon as possible as soon as possible. I quickly showered, changed, grabbed everything I needed for my piano lesson and then for church fellowship meeting afterwards. I met Thel Khin on the bus, which was really interesting… She showed me a really nasty bruise on her left lower arm, which had seven jabs. Yep, she and her lab partner had just practiced jabbing each other with needles that afternoon. *Shudder* Which is why I can never be a doctor. She thought it was “cool”. Ah well, to each her own.

I digress.

Anyway, coming back to my piano lesson… I know, I know, so what; it’s just a piano lesson. But today, I stepped into my teacher’s apartment at about 5.10 p.m. (I arrived a tad bit early), and was greeted by the sight of three lovely children; two little boys, one about six, the other probably ten, were sitting at the table, doing theory, and my piano teacher was teaching the little girl at the piano, who looks about six too.

The ten-year-old smiled at me. “Hello,” he said.

I smiled back and said, “Hi.” Kids can be so adorable.

Okay, you may think. So what? You have a piano lesson, and you met these cute children. Yeah, whatever.

But wait! There’s more. You may call me really gullible and over-reacting, even, but…

I sat at the table and waited. It’s always interesting to meet other students my teacher teaches… even if they are all younger than me.

A few minutes later, the two boys started speaking to each other. I didn’t pay much attention at first as I was watching the little girl and my teacher, but then their conversation caught my ears.

“Ooh, they’re speaking another language,” I realized. They looked Asian, and I tried to identify what they were speaking. Japanese? (Nope, I’ve been around Japanese friends enough, and watched way too many anime.) Korean? (Nah, I’ve watched enough Korean dramas and heard the Korean ‘gang’ in my school enough times, too.) Vietnamese? Cantonese? Negative and negative. Weird. Some sort of exotic language. It sounded really unique.

“Connie, do you want some coffee?” my teacher asked me, breaking my train of thought. “I have some mocha, if you like.”

Ooh, yes, please. I’ve become somewhat a coffee addict of late.

While I got myself the mocha (the kitchen is just adjacent to living room), I got curious and asked my teacher in Mandarin, “Where are they from? And what language are they speaking?”

“Oh, they’re from Mauritius,” she answered. “They speak French.”

Wow, talk about unique. That was cool. Apparently they’re migrants. But it’s très cool. And, what’s more, it’s not everyday that you actually get to listen to a French conversation!

Have you ever heard little kids communicate with each other in French? *wide grin* It was really intriguing and interesting to hear French coming out of their mouths; so cute and innocent.

Haha, I know, I’m just really ‘sakai’. But I always enjoy listening to little kids talk in foreign languages. I mean, come on, even a little boy or girl speaking in Japanese or Cantonese sounds really cute, especially if they’re quite fluent. Same case here. But it’s French. I want to learn, too!!

Later on, after they left (and I found out that the younger two siblings, are fraternal twins), and towards the end of my lesson, my teacher started playing Canon in D, which was arranged for the harp. That led to an enthusiastic talk about harps. My teacher is learning to play the harp, and she told me that it’s really similar to the piano; once you know the piano, harp is really easy.

Remember one of the things that I can't do? I can't play the harp, but I definitely want to learn how to play the harp! But~ a harp costs about $3000, according to my teacher. o_O

Nooo…. I vowed right then and there that I shall be a millionaire by the time I’m 30, buy a harp and learn!!!

Oh yeah. To Patty and DJ, about the competition. I quote the letter they sent me:

“…Your family and friends are also welcome to attend – there is a small fee at the door.”

So yeah, you guys just have to show up at UWA and buy the tickets at the door. For a “small fee”, of course. But thanks for actually wanting to come. Very much appreciate your support. Although I doubt I’ll win anything, it’s really more for the exposure and for me to gain more confidence for my Diploma exam later on. (Those aren't my words; they're my teacher's =P)

I just realized that I'm really random... jumping from French to harps to competitions.

Well, that’s just a day in the life of Connie. Night night!


jy said...

if u're in the singapore, you'll get the lifelong learner award. want to learn French and the harp. (y)

anyway, is there some cd after the competition? want to watch/listen, whichever applicable! =)

thepattycakes said...

ahhh conz!
i wanted to learn french
and don't worry.. you're not alone.
I wanted to learn the piano(again), flute, drums, strings(now after listening to apocalyptica) and not forgetting... the guitar :D:D:D

can't wait to watch you perform man! :D gl!

tH3^oNe said...

*getting real excited*
iF u hAvE bEeN rEaDiNg my blOg tHe pAst wEek, u wld hAvE sEeN a piCtuRe oF sOme rAndOm CUTE littlE kiDs witH my ELACS clAsS.
wE mEt tHeM duRiNg tHe eXcUrSiOn.
i hAvE tO sHoW u 3 REALLY cUtE kiDs.
bUt ALL oF tHeM aRe cuTe.
cAn u iMaGiNE? KIDS!
*calms down*
alRigHty, dAt wAs a littlE oF cute little kids mania.
at lEaSt wE lOvE kids!
aNd OMG! i lOvE Cannon in D.
hOw i wiSh i wAs tHeRe.
cutE lil kiDs. AND Cannon in D.
it's hEavEn tO mE.
iM suRe i'll bE dArN HAPPY.
okok. *calms down*
iM suRe u'll hAvE tHe aBility tO owN a harp bEfOre u aRe 30.
millionaire? u tHiNk tOo littlE oF uRsElf. =p
bAck tO tHe pOiNt.
wHeN's tHe cOmpEtitiOn.
i gOttA cHeCk my cAleNdEr aNd mAkE mySElf avAiL. =)


con` said...

hey jy! miss talkin' to you too..! haha, lifelong learner award? =P nah, i think it's more of 'dream-too-much' award.

not sure abt the cd part, but if there is, i'll sure take it. not for me, but for my mom haha. and yes, you may watch/listen. =)

jerry: french is cool, and very suave, ok.

pat and dj: thanks for ur support!! i don't really hope to win anything, though. once again, i say, it's more for the exposure and me to gain confidence. =P