Sunday, November 18, 2007

22 hours

Home, here I come! Technically I won't be home home yet, not until Wednesday, but I'm flying off tomorrow night on the midnight plane (midnight planes, for some reason, make me think about murder mysteries). Will be touching down at Changi Airport at approximately 5.30 a.m. My mom will be meeting me there... I'll probably KO at the hotel for a few hours before shopping and stuff - wait - I will EAT first before that!

Apparently my 3-year-old cousin is coming along too, since there's no one to look after her back home after my aunt sacked yet another (yes, yet another) maid who goes off on midnight rendezvous. My youngest brother is tagging along as well, since he's done with the end-of-year exams and according to my mom, has nothing better to do. Tsk. My sister still has school, so it's just "her, my dad, and the pets".

Wow... this time, tomorrow, I will have been one-and-a-half hours into my journey... probably watching movies or something... I don't know if I can get much sleep on the plane...

Okay. I need to pack.

This will probably the last post before I leave Melbourne... will update as often as I can over the hols back home.

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