Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lo and behold...

The laptop liveth!

Calvin called me just now to inform me that he can extract all the files from the aforementioned laptop. Hallelujah! Praise God! I can't believe it. The thought of rebuilding my entire data from the laptop was something I still couldn't face. Lol.

And I can't believe it! Because if I had brought it to the laptop repair shop, I would have forked out at least AUD$550 (!!!!!) Seriously, I would have been cheated. No wonder computer shops are thriving. I don't think I'm a total computer n00b, and I do know a bit of stuff, but still, unsuspecting gullible people (of whom I almost potentially became part of), must be bringing all sorts of problems, ranging from trivial to SOS-magnitude, to these shops where they are being ripped off, when they could just ask their nearest computer genius friends.

I'm still using my friend's laptop which has been on loan to me, for about two weeks now. I should be getting back mine sometime next week, I think.

Okay, I just felt really happy that I needed to tell the world. =P

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