Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Insert witty sounding title here

I should have amended to the previous post, that:

Running after the tram with a huge cello in hand is not an exercise for the delicate and faint of heart.

And I almost walked out of Safeway without paying for something, but that's a story for another day. Let's just call it another Connie moment.

I think my laptop's really going to the pits. For some reason or other, I'm missing vital drivers, so my USB ports might as well be non-existent now.

This afternoon, thinking that at the very least, maybe I can get my printer to connect successfully after re-installing with the CD setup and everything, since the drivers for the printer, by all logical means and reason, ought to be there...

Okay, let's try that again...

Hmm. Re-install again...


The laptop still refuses to recognize the printer.

*insert unintelligible screams of frustration*

Seriously, I need a new laptop. I've had mine for three years now, and it's like an old man wheezing and coughing. Even the Bluetooth between my laptop and Nokia is malfunctioning. I can't even send or receive files properly anymore.


I don't know what the point of this post is. Sigh. But anyway, since Jerry's forever and truly disappeared from the blog, does anyone want to take over and co-blog with me?

1 comment:

Slim and Deadly said...

Oh dear the dreaded laptop water drenching.... It sounds VERY BAD. Actually sounds like that it's the water thats stuffing up your system.

For future referance though. Upon spilling
1) Turn the laptop upside down
2) remove battery and power adaptor
3) While upside down wipe up any major spills
4) leave to dry upside down for 48 hours.


If it's really giving you problems, you can email me and I can assess the laptop for you. :) I like to think I'm better than the average tech :)