Sunday, September 16, 2007

Movies, music, food, and hair.

*Sings* Mid-semester break is here!

Woke up late.

Had a late lunch.

Spent the afternoon watching this Korean drama (My Sassy Girl, Chung Hyang). Which I've been wanting to watch for some time now. (Ern, there is nothing wrong with watching Korean/Japanese dramas! Lol. There is nothing wrong with me!! =P)

Went out to meet Lydia, my housemate, at the Walk Arcade, which is this stretch of shops and cafes between Bourke and Little Collins Street. She's been telling us about this really cute dress, and I wanted to see it, but unfortunately by the time we met up, the Arcade was closed (at 5 p.m.!!) and we ended up roaming around the area...

...and I ended up buying everything but what I intended.

Which was expected.

I ended up buying snacks (=P); muesli bars, to be precise. Back when I was in Perth, I had this habit of always carrying at least 2 bars in my bag when going out (or any other snack), but since coming to Melbourne, for some reason, I stopped doing that, and the absence of food in my bag really hurts my stomach's feelings at times. =P

I finally bought my hair serum, which I've been wanting to buy for weeks now, since I'm running out... I think growing up with a hairdresser aunt has really made me quite selective in the hair products that I buy. The amount of money I invest into my hair! After I finish my current run of shampoo and conditioner, I'm planning to switch back to this salon brand which was better for my hair and scalp. I'm still deciding whether I should re-perm or straighten my hair when I go back. (The amount of money I spend on my hair!!)

Okay, I should stop talking about my hair now.

and Hairspray were awesome. I actually made ratatouille last night, for homecell, and I can't really tell if it was a success. It tasted fine to me, but it's hard to judge, especially when I have not tasted authentic ratatouille before. Gosh, I definitely want to travel to France in the future.

Hairspray is a great musical! I'm definitely buying the soundtrack. John Travolta is hilarious. And Zac Efron is so good-looking. I'm in love with his beautiful blue eyes. (Yes, I'm fangirling. Shuddup. =P)

It seems that whatever movie I watch, the music always distracts me at certain points throughout the movie. Sometimes I have to remind myself not to get distracted by the soundtrack, and to focus on the plot instead, so that I don't lose track of what's happening (which just might happen). Even in movies like Batman Begins (with Christian Bale in the title role - another good-looking actor =P), the soundtrack distracts me at certain points, and Spanglish as well - odd movie to point out, I know, but Hans Zimmer's score really stood out for me in that one, even if the movie wasn't well-received at the box office.

Extremely random post today. I shall try to update something more 'substantial' next time.

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