Thursday, September 13, 2007

From one corner of the world...

So just now I reminded Jerry on MSN about this blog we were supposed to share. Jerry was like, "Wow, you never give up, do you??"

"There's a reason why this blog is called 'OPPOSITE CORNERS OF THE WORLD," I responded.

Patience is a virtue.


Blogging can feel quite tedious at times... when I think back to why we began this blog in the first place, it was mainly as a way of "keeping in touch", I suppose. Before that, I used to bombard everyone's inboxes with my extremely long and convoluted e-mails, and perhaps the blog relieved that "burden". Lol. There's a kind of freedom with e-mails, I think, as opposed to blogging.

I mentioned before that there is only so much you can blog about on a public blog.

I think I'm quite 'careful' when it comes to blogging. 'Careful' in the sense that, I hold back and don't blog about me. When I say me, I mean me me, open and pouring out my innermost feelings and thoughts. (Here is where I admit that I keep personal, private journals for that purpose.)

Even when I want to, I think I manage to veil up what 'personal' posts I've posted on this blog in this vague shroud of detachment, so that I don't reveal too much... does that make sense?

But looking at how uninteresting and mundane this blog has become in the past year (and I assume as well that I've lost practically everyone who may have been reading the blog), maybe it's time that I just relax and not be inhibited by the whole "world wide web" thing. As in, I don't think there would be anyone who would purposely look for like, 'Connie's blog' to dig up my secrets and stuff! Most of the people I know who knows this blog exists are friends whom I know anyway... I think. (Whoa, that sentence sounded a bit confusing.)

Okay, I've probably lost most of your attention by now.

I guess the reason why I described blogging as tedious as times is because of that... I hold back too much, and don't really share a lot about what's really going on in my life (unless in e-mails or through phone calls and SMS-es). I guess I just don't open up easily.

Or I could be selective in who reads this blog, since Blogger offers that option.

Ah, there's an idea.

But anyway, I guess what I'm curious about is... how 'open' are you willing to be on your blog?


My brother's gone over to Manchester already... I know quite a few of you guys have gone over there to study as well. Things would be certainly be different when I return (hopefully) in late November. It'll just be my youngest two siblings at home... Unless I return to Brunei for the June holidays, I probably won't ever see my brother again until ... who knows when! (That's about the same as you, Jerry. Haha. I haven't seen you in two and a half years now!)

For once I can't wait for my exam timetable to be out, so that I can actually change the date on my flight ticket, to return home earlier.

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