Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Quick Update

The last few weeks have been crazy, and literally a whirlwind of activities. Tasmania was beautiful, and I've got lots of amazing scenic pictures - looking at the pictures, it's almost hard to believe that I had been there. The second last day in Tassie was spent hiking Cradle Mountain, and I think we took on more than we bargained for; it was only after we finished this particular crossing that we realized it was actually one of the 'steep and difficult' climbs.

Anyway. That might not make much sense. I can't be bothered to make myself sound coherent at this moment.

Straight after Tasmania was the OCF (Overseas Christian Fellowship) Convention - it was great to see all the OCF-ers coming in from all the other Australian states, and so Convention was another 6 straight days of sermons, bible studies, workshops, worship sessions, etc.

I came back with a cold, and my voice has transformed, so yeah.

I still can't change my flight. All December flights are fully booked. My dad suggested upgrading to Business class, but I called Qantas, and it'll cost me a freaking $6000+ just for a stupid upgrade. And to upgrade to a different class, but still in Economy, will cost me $1350. Buying a single ticket back to S'pore will cost me $1250, and if I wait till 23rd December with my current ticket, it'll cost me nothing.

Okay, my frustration with that over and done with, I realize that I'm not feeling that frustrated over this whole flight thing. I guess I don't really mind staying till that long - okay, fine, I DO mind, to a certain extent. My family's going back to Sibu next week, for one week. I'm still here!! I haven't seen my relatives and grandparents in almost 2 years...! There's not much to do in Sibu, but still...!

And even after coming back from Convention, I'm still bushed. On the same day I came back, I went out at night again to the night market at Victoria Markets - it's an event which only happens every Wednesday in summer, so it was my first time. The next day, had dinner with Joan, who was on exchange for the past semester from the States, and she left today. After dinner, a bunch of us chilled at a friend's place, just playing cards the whole night. Tonight, had dinner again with Esther, who's graduated, and is leaving at the end of the month. Tomorrow, I think I'm going shopping.

A few friends are organizing an early Christmas party for us left in Melbourne, so it's not that bad, really, staying on for so long... and with a couple of movie outings planned for the next week, and just random things to do, I guess it's not that bad. And not to mention, I have yet to settle my accommodations for next year.

This post is turning out to sound rather messy and convoluted. I doubt anyone understood that whole ramble of text I just typed out. Ah well, never mind.

Seeing people leave Melbourne one by one for home makes me wish I was leaving on a plane for home too. This is the longest I've ever been away for home. I know it may not sound like a big deal - some people probably never go back at all, or they might have stayed longer than 2 years, but there's still no place like home.

On the other hand, not everyone will be there when I go back... Gosh, Ern, I have no idea when I might see you again. =( And I know there will be changes to face when I go back as well. But that's part of life, and it's inevitable.

Anyway, hope you all are doing great. Sigh... two more weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well connie its ern here... i kinda see your little worry about "changes to face" seeing as how im overseas etc etc. i kinda worried about it for awhile... then i thought hey i havent exsactly changes very much ! and besides if i HAVE changed and the 'friends' back home dont like it ... then well they can stick it where the sun dont shine :P hahah and yes connie you should adopt this wonderful philosophy of mine :)
miss you loads foong pei yi!!!
