Monday, September 04, 2006

My week in bullet points

  • Monday. Ah, yes. I had one of the worst Piano Classes... Believe me, sitting for 2 hours, listening to an invited guest/pianist talk about Messiaen and his music is not enjoyable. I may be doing music, but I absolutely can-not understand 20th century music, nor why some people like it. It doesn't sound like music to me from any angles. Try listening to some of Messiaen's music, and you'll probably understand why. I don't have anything against the great composer per se, it's just... argh. It's just 20th century music. Moving on!

  • Tuesday. Let's see.. another routine day. Oh. MUOSS (Melbourne Uni Overseas Student Society) organised this event called Festival of Nations, and OCF Parkville set up our own booth, selling Tau Suan and peanut dessert soup, so I helped out during lunchtime. Pretty cool event - a lot of stalls, with all sorts of food. My day began at 9 a.m. with an Aural tutorial; two lectures; choir in the evening; celebrating a fellow coursemate's birthday at an Italian restaurant after; before going off for a concert at Hamer Hall, Arts Centre to listen to Paul Lewis perform a few of Beethoven's piano sonatas, including the Moonlight and Appassionata Sonatas (it sounded like a real recording; only better, 'cause it was live =P. That's how good he is.). And reaching home around 11 p.m... very exhausting and full-on day.

  • Wednesday. My free day... helped out for a bit with Parkville's booth. And spent my afternoon practicing piano.

  • Thursday. Had a test, which was reasonably ... okay. Worth 10%. Considering that I wasn't very prepared *cough*, I think I managed to pass it.

  • Friday. My other free day. Piano lesson. Went to Esther's place in the afternoon to cook the hot and sour soup for Sister's Gathering later at night. The soup was a success! And feel very blessed to have gone for it... makes you realize, God works in ways you never expect Him to, even when you feel like there's nothing left... my expectations for the night were, admittedly, low, but that's where God proved me wrong by showing and giving me new insight.

  • Saturday + Sunday. Bumming around.
So much for "bullet points", where you'd suppose I'll make myself simple and concise... There you go, I'm just an extremely long-winded person.

Here's looking ahead to another week.

Jerry Wong!!! I don't like pestering you to blog... so blog, before I feel compelled to nag you some more. =P

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