Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Finally Jerry comes back to life... You seem to be having so much fun over there! But the stress of college life is finally getting to your holiday-numbed brain, huh? Hahaha =P

I called my mom last night, hoping I can get some advice or direction about what I want to do, but after the conversation, I hung up the phone, feeling none the wiser. Basically, it's just "up to me", and I guess I should be thankful for that, knowing that some people are forced to do what their parents want them to do.


Speaking of Ripley's museum reminds me of the one that I've visited twice back in Genting Highlands, KL. Twice I went, nothing changed. Waste of my money the second time. The first time, I discovered, is always a novelty, but even though it's a year later that I went back, the second time just doesn't seem so fun anymore. Aiyah, Jerry, why you don't visit? I'm sure Ripley's vary from country to country.... Haha, next time, next time, we all go together ;p

Ooh, and speaking of taking illegal pictures remind me of an incident few weeks back when I went shopping with a few friends for prom gowns. We went into this super-posh store called Intangible, which specialises in ball gown attires and stuff. I tried on this really beautiful dress, and we took a picture or two, when the lady came in and said, "I'm sorry, you'll have to delete the pictures on your camera. Our designs are copyrighted, and we don't want anyone copying it."

-_-" What was she doing, spying on us?

It happened that I had my digital camera out, so I had to delete the picture in front of her, for her satisfaction, but what she didn't know was that my other friend had taken one too, and the camera was already safely in her bag =P

Did I also mention that the dress cost a whopping $565? =D It was nice to feel glamorous for fifteen minutes, though.

There's about less than four weeks left before Term 3 ends, and the teachers are all rushing to complete the syllabus. Sigh. I'm trying not to stress.

[Tells self, "Do not stress. Do not stress."]

I'm calm.

Anyhoo~ post up a few pictures taken last week; ought to have posted up last week, too, but just got lazy. To Sherissa, Rungend and Jonathan: here are the pictures!

<--This is what happens when you're supposed to be studying, but you're bored, and you decide to play with straws. Wu-liao.

The process of making hearts out of straws --> The hands belong to Sherissa (the sensei), Jonathan and Rungend, her apprentices =P

<-- The finished products. Three straw hearts.
Were we seriously that bored?? I mean, I was taking pictures the whole way.. X_X

A close-up view. The straw hearts juxtaposed next to each other. -->

Like I said, we were obviously feeling seriously bored, when we should have been studying for a Human Bio test. Haha.

So retarded =P

*Yawn* Time for me to sleep... Zzz. (When it's still day/afternoon for you, Jerry!) Update more next time.


con` said...

Umm...obviously when you blog, the finished result actually posted up looks different from when you're typing/editing it. Hm. Not bothered to edit.

tH3^oNe said...

don't worry.
the quality of the entry will cover any mishaps in appearance. =p
it still is good.


hag3nista said...

Heya Connie!!
Guess what?!! I still have my stray thingy...This is Rungend btw. :P
I found it today in my pencil case, almost a whole year on...
I shall keep it in loving memory of...all THOSE study sessions!

Love Rungend