Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another "everything" post.


Why is it that when I finally sit down in front of my laptop, my fingers on the keyboard, with all the good intentions of blogging, that my mind becomes an instant blank the moment I see the empty space in front of me?

Something interesting did happen over the weekend - haha, but that's for another time. Maybe if you remember and ask me about it, I'll tell you about it. Lol.

Coming to yet another end of a week - I now officially have one class on Friday (which was initially free, sigh), after I changed my Ensemble class. The good thing is that I won't have to reach home at 7 pm after class on Wednesday now.

Thinking about whether I should do the LRSM..

Piano duets this semester - exciting! Finally met up with the girl I'm partnering with; we'll be playing Mozart's Symphony No. 40 for 4 hands. We'll be trying it together on Tuesday morning. (It'll probably sound hilariously bad.)

I need to start doing my readings, make notes, and begin on serious preparation for my 50% politics essay. (I know, it's only week 2, but I have absolutely no intentions of leaving everything to the end of the semester and swot vac, which is our one-week study break, to cram everything and, well, everything. Frankly, that would just be too much for even an old-time procrastinator like me.)

It's my sister's birthday today - happy 17th! (Doesn't 17 seem ages ago for the rest of us reading this?) Can you believe I wrote the birthday card about a week ago, and it's just been lying there waiting for me to mail it? (Sorry, Karen, I will post it tomorrow. Haha. And you never told me that the cat was pregnant?! And now she's given birth on your birthday?! Doesn't that mean she was already pregnant when I left Brunei?! And isn't she still a kitten?!!)

I had the oddest dream last night - weirdly enough, there were meat pies in my dream. I was very hesitant about eating them - an after-effect of watching Sweeney Todd, probably; for some reason in my dream, I really thought that it was human meat, and refused to eat the pies. *Shudders* And I dreamt I had a really awesome pet dog, and my old cat, Chilli, turned up in the dream, too. They didn't get along. (Which is quite odd in retrospect, because the cats and dogs back home usually get along really well.)

Yes, I get bizarre dreams often.

And for a post which started out with me having blogger's block, it seems like I have a whole load of material suddenly.



Slim and Deadly said...

Haha, a bit late, but I was thinking of going to guys and dolls, but then Melody said that Wicked was good.

But then I found westside story and guys and dolls for $20 for both at borders. So I think I'll save the cash for something else LOL

LOL Have you seen westside story, I think my two favourites have to be 'America' and 'I feel pretty' LOL Ok randomness ending now :P

con` said...

Hi Samuel!! Been ages since we've talked! Are you going for Easter Camp?

Yes, I watched West Side Story and loved it! Love the music from it as well; I really enjoy the more famous pieces though - haha, like, Tonight and Somewhere. Just beautiful.

Guys and Dolls tickets are cheaper than Wicked though, but I think I'd still like to go for it; it's an Australian production, but the cast seems highly acclaimed. And plus, it was an award-winning Broadway musical!

Now if I can only find the money to fund my expensive hobby! Lol.