Thursday, July 19, 2007

Winter Camp

...But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
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The theme for this year's Winter Camp was "Refreshed". Campsite was at Weekaway, and it's about an hour's drive away from the city. It's a beautiful place, and it's always refreshing in itself to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, away from tall buildings and skyscrapers, away from the noise and crowds and transport, to the serenity and stillness of the countryside, to immerse oneself in the natural beauty of God's creation.

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The campsite is one of the best out of all the other campsites I've been to thus far. After one busy and not-so-good semester, it is immensely calming to get away from "life". I was pleasantly surprised at the large kangaroo community which shared the land.

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We tried to get as close to them as possible, but every time we inched nearer and nearer, they hopped further and further away.

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Steven's failed camouflage

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And that's why you keep seeing their backsides in the pictures I take.

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We had Tim Cross as our speaker. Together with his wife, they're the State Directors for Victoria and Tasmania of OMF (Overseas Mission Fellowship). We were shown many video clips from 'The Trouble with Paris', which touched on many good points that saw the cell groups discussing deeply and thinking about certain issues related to the Christian life. Stuff like predestination, free will, consumerism, hyper-realism, etc. were all brought up.

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A kookaburra! Right outside the dorm I was in. They make this weird laughter sort of sound.

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Fun and games.

There were lots to do and explore around the campsite. Obstacle courses, canoeing, archery, basketball court, including a night trail were all part of the package. We didn't go canoeing, but I tried archery, which was pretty cool.

The Night Trail was probably the best of all. It's a night activity which takes place in the forest, where you have to follow this trail by shining the torches onto the trees to look for these reflective markers which will take you along a route. So there you go, two groups of us trudging around the moonlit forest with only the lights from our torches to show us our paths, while it drizzled intermittently.

The camp-owner built a bonfire for us on the last night, and a group of us stayed through the night, singing random songs and just being silly as we warmed ourselves around the slowly-dying fire.

(There are more pictures, but with the lousy ISP that we're under in the apartments that I'm staying in, I can't be bothered waiting forever for the pictures to upload.)

The few days spent out there was refreshing to a certain extent for me, but personally it was more of reminder for me, and a step forward for me in some issues. It always feels good to spend time and have fellowship in a community of brothers and sisters. It's just something you miss when you go back to school and it's all about the stress, assignments, etc.

Just a few more days before the second semester begins. After the disaster that was the first sem (for me), I really want the new semester to be better. But already, the next few weeks for me are filled up with activities and things to do. It'll be a busy and hectic start.

I'll try to put up posts about the Hillsong Conference over the next few days as soon as I can.

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