Monday, October 02, 2006

O, How Fast Doth The Days Passeth By

Mid-sem break will be over soon as disgruntled students trudge back to university reluctantly. Exam timetables are already out; a friend was ready to kill me when I informed her that I only have one paper (Baroque & Classical Music), and a practical exam. Need to get cracking at the books and put more effort into practicing too.


As reported previously, the soldiers had a tiring but extremely stimulating day. I'll try to get a few pictures, but as we couldn't bring any valuables onto the battlefield, you guys won't be able to see Connie in camouflage outfit and unflattering mask or any of us in action. We took some 'before' and 'after' shots, though.

One memorable incident:

Scenario: Connie is left all alone on the battlefield; her teammates have all been taken down.

Connie: (hides behind a tree)

Connie: (thinking frantically) Oh no! I can't be the only left... You've got to be joking... Ack! Who's that?? Who shot at me?! There's one there, on my left - okay, here goes - (aims gun at enemy and fires paintballs frenziedly) - Darn, I didn't get him/her!! Gaah - who was that??? On my right?? Another one?? No! (fires in the opposite direction) - What the - ?? There's another one in front of me!!

Noooo - 3 vs. 1!

I ran out of paintballs while trying to take them down - but I don't think I would have survived anyway!

Piano Stories IV

...which was actually a week ago. It was ... okay. Slightly disappointed. The songs were nice, though, but I thought that the pianist, a really talented Polish pianist who's won various competitions (but-I-can't-remember-his-name), was sight-reading most of the time. It seemed like he didn't really prepare for it. There were tons of mistakes, and that kind of ruined the songs, but ah well... The guest performer is a really beautiful Japanese violinist, who did an amazing job, but some technical issues (which are totally unrelated to her playing) ruined that, too. There are other aspects which I would love to complain about, but I shall not.


I can't believe it's already October. Where did all the days go?


Slim and Deadly said...

If'n you get the chance, play at night with night vision googles LOL! That'll get the heart pumping!

AH HA! See nobody thinks of us poor technicians in the back.... until it all goes wrong!

tH3^oNe said...

this is when people HAVE to say "Time Flies" LOL!

im glad to see u're enjoying urself and having fun tho :)
anyways, i have updated. FINALLY hehe :p

take care heaps buddy


con` said...

Samuel: LOL. I think I've pretty much decided that paintballing is not for me - it was fun, but I spent more time hiding than anything else!

DJ: You seem to be enjoying yourself as well, despite all the uni stress! =) I really hope I can go to Perth again and meet up with you guys! You take care always!