Saturday, September 16, 2006


After eight whirlwind weeks of lectures, tutorials, assignments, etc., finally I am liberated (sort of) for two weeks. Yes, it's the mid-semester break!!

I don't really have anything major planned for the holidays. Some of my coursemates are going for the Music Camp organised by the MSS (Music Students' Society), but a few of us decided not to go. Might do some shopping, depends on circumstances. But most importantly, I need to catch up on all my readings and start studying already... plus, have to put more effort in practicing piano as well.

I do plan to go for a few concerts during this mid-sem break... There's the Spring Early Music Festival organised by one of the professors from the Music Faculty, who is the Head of Early Music department or something. Hopefully I can drag a few people to come with me! But I doubt many people would be interested in early music... (?)

And oh, oh, oh - Piano Stories IV coming to Melbourne!! I am so going for this.

There was actually Piano Stories III back in April, but since I was relatively new to Melbourne, I didn't really know about it... I did go for A Night In Fantasia back in July though!!

My friend and I were just talking about how these two weeks will probably whiz by, just like the first 8 weeks of this semester. Somehow, I think so too... sigh. Time seems to be speeding up, especially near the end of the year, and when you need time most of all!

And Jerry: okay... yeah, I guess we all have lives. Haha. Just update when you can la.

I'll try to update once a week or something... just to keep this blog from being too dead. Although I think it probably already is.


tH3^oNe said...

my break ends this weekend.
yes. it's back to school for me on monday! :(

and i only have a week.
u have TWO! no fair!


con` said...

lol. aww.. well i hope you had a good break anyway! hmm.. Monash and RMIT have one-week breaks only too, but the thing is that they finish exams earlier than Melb Uni... haha. maybe that's the same for you as well?

tH3^oNe said...

UWA's exam period is from 4th Nov to 18th Nov.
but i think all my exams will be in the 1st week.

but that also means u guys have more time to study.
a luxury i don't have.
well, until the summer break that is. WEE!