Monday, August 29, 2005


Would someone please explain kindly to me why the heck is the sidebar navigation all the way down at the bottom?

Haven't done much work, really slacking. Yesterday was the first day in this whole term so far that I finally got a real break. I didn't have any stupid seminar or any piano lessons, and I basically just wasted myself in the house. I slept in late for the first time as long as I could ever remember, and you all know what a pig I am when it comes to eating and sleeping. Now I regret 'cause I have tons of work to do. But when you've been on your toes for more than a month without any real break now, what can you do?


Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

[Heavy silence fills the air]

There's only so many things that I can say on a public blog.


kachuaz said... much you can say on a blog everyone knows about...shesshh...

thepattycakes said...

talking about emailing..

i seldom email my close exclassmates already. sighayee.
i miss them so.

con` said...

juang... my "psychic" twin! =P haha alright, i'll try not to stress so much.. and once again, you can tell that i miss emailing you guys! our psychic powers never fail, huh? hehehe.

well, since it's all because of the compatibility of the web browser, guess even juan and her amazing web skills can't help =P but thx for the clarification. hm, seems that this blog will have to survive looking weird on Internet Explorer...

pat...cheer up ok? =( u can still email ur frens, never too late to forge those friendships.. and you have me to rant to ^_^

kachuaz... yup. some things are just never meant to be blogged u know? ;p