Jerry seems to have disappeared off the face of earth - probably enjoying himself too much and too happily in Kentucky, whereas the rest of us have to STUDY. (Do you even know the meaning of "study" and "school" anymore, Wong Sia How? =P)
Yesterday had a Chemistry seminar in the morning... Sat morning!! *sob* Supposed to be a day when I can sleep in, but nooo, we just simply must have a Chemistry revision class with Mr. Beveridge who didn't bully people so badly this time, but still has the weirdest sense of humour and in the end annoyed the mild Jonathan Chng (a friend at Murdoch) with his "very irritating voice!!"
Went with a few friends to the city after seminar where we had dim sum... That was super syiok. I realize how long it's been since I've tasted chicken feet and all the usual dishes... The waiters and waitresses had the idea that we could speak Cantonese and proceeded to speak to us in Cantonese, when our group consisted of the Pale One (who is Cantonese, but can't form a legible sentence for the life of her), Sherissa, who is pure Hokkien in and out, Yasuko, who hails from Kobe, Japan, and Jill from Singapore, who knows only English and Mandarin.
We randomly walked around the city after eating and basically bummed around till about almost 7 p.m. when we all went our separate ways. Sherissa and I were taking the same bus back so when we reached the Murdoch suburb...
That's when Sherissa and I both realized that she missed her last bus home when we reached Murdoch Park 'n' Ride. By a mere 7 min. What's more, it was an extremely windy and cold night (and I mean really windy. I was almost blown off my feet a few times.)
To cut a long story short, we had an impromptu sleepover at my place, with Patricia "sneaking" out of her house at 11 p.m. plus to join us after Sherissa and I called her. And we basically laughed and irritated each other (well, Pat and Sherissa anyway) for the remainder of the night.

For more information and pictures, go over toe Sherissa's site here.
And to leave you with a final picture:

And Jerry: how come I can't access the blog settings??
eh seh!!
your pictures!
they are decieving!
i'm sure your room didn't look thaaaat neat okay! :P
and your area!
it was soooo sooo scary at night lor.
don't anyhow give an impression of aus as a nice&warm (pun not intended) country okay!
wah pat.. my pictures where got deceiving? and don't imply that my room is like pigsty lah! -_-" i'm not THAT messy... =P
jerry - i mean the blog template settings, etc. can't access it. give me ur password or something. and no, i won't do anything to ur posts. ;p
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