Thursday, January 31, 2008

Long day.

Dammmit, I had the worse stomachache ever today. The walk home was the longest 15 minutes I have ever known. I normally enjoy walking home, but the six streets from Little Lonsdale Street to Flinders Lane seemed a million streets to me tonight. When I got to Bourke Street (halfway through), I was screaming in my head and wondering how much more of the pain I could take, and just praying that I don't faint or something. By the time I reached home, I just wanted to collapse and rest. Blame it on gastric. I suffer from gastric attacks quite often, but I hadn't had it in a while now, so all the way home I was just trying to breath properly, walk properly, trying to make it home without collapsing in the middle of the street or something.

And I thought I ate properly today. I hope never to go through that pain again. After classes in the morning, I had Korean food for lunch with my coursemates, chocolate and Danish pancakes for dessert after; met up with a few friends for KTV, and then finally a lovely Chinese dinner with them after a great session of singing. So where the heck did I miss a meal?! I had a sandwich (my 'breakfast') in the break between classes this morning, so I obviously was not depriving myself of food. Damn you, gastric!!!

I need to do my assignment, but I think I'll just sleep early tonight and wake up early tomorrow to do it and hand it in. After my hot shower and just drinking plain hot water to relieve the stomach (I don't think the stomach can endure any more food or liquids-other-than-water), I'm exhausted from the Battle of the Walk Home. The pain only became really bad towards the end of dinner. I'm almost amazed that I actually made it home in the state I was in. And that's not even an exaggeration or a hyperbolic statement.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The unfortunate incidents in the life of a cat ^^

Just a little something about the cat. And something to update this blog.

I like this photo. Shaun the Sheep was on TV, and it's not the first time that the cat watches the television. I've noticed her on a few occasions where she really watches the TV. It's very amusing. But on this occasion, she was apparently so intrigued by the sheep moving around that she just had to "investigate".

I was told by my sister a few days ago that the cat got locked in the Audi for the entire night. I couldn't stop laughing at that. Especially since this is the second time, and both times were my mom's "fault". Haha.

The first time was when my mom went to the bathroom, and she inadvertently closed the door on the cat, so that was an entire afternoon. I kept hearing her meowing throughout the afternoon, but I had no idea where she was, and thought she was just being... you know, cats meow, so it's just her. Then my maid came into my room somewhere between 5 and 6 p.m., and asked me if I've seen the cat.

I told her no, but I've heard her meowing for the whole afternoon now... She told me that she's searched the compound of the house, everywhere, and the cat was nowhere to be found. She left my room to search the other rooms, and I listened carefully. The meows sounded like it was coming from the balcony somewhere near my brother's room, so I went into his room and was about to open the balcony door when I noticed the shut toilet door...

...found the poor cat standing behind the door when I opened it, still meowing. She looked at me for a second, and RAN out. Ungrateful cat! Haha. I could not stop laughing. Oh my gosh. And later that night, it turned out that my mom was the one who had used the toilet, and didn't realize that the cat had gotten in somehow. Poor, poor kitty! LOL.

The same thing happened with the car - I think she must have been getting out groceries and stuff from the Audi, when the cat must have got into the car, and my mom, of course, closed the doors without realizing anything was amiss. She only discovered it the next morning, probably when she wanted to drive the car. My sister told me that my mom spent the afternoon cleaning the car - nothing major, just cat fur everywhere.

Stupid cat. Lol. But I miss her and home. Oh well.

On other matters, I am LOVING my MacBook. It's about a week now. It has all these really cool functions. I like the Widgets, and simply the flexibility of the entire interface - it's so easy to switch between open applications simply by moving the cursor - a feature called Expose.
Apparently this is now featured in Windows Vista, and it's called Windows Flip. Haha, whatever. =P And the two-finger scrolling on my MacBook touchpad is extremely convenient too. There are a lot of other cool things, and I'm enjoying discovering and learning them.

I'm still making the slow transition from my old laptop to the Mac, but there's a definite difference between using both the Windows and Mac OS now... Before making this switch, I've only used Mac occasionally, especially since the uni computers are mostly Macs, which felt daunting and odd before. But now that I'm learning my way around the Mac interface, I'm starting to think that Windows is just so... rigid. I don't really know how to describe it, but yes, I am DEFINITELY enjoying using the Mac.

Apple, you've got me sold. Hahaha.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I did it.

Everyone, meet my MacBook.


Yes, I've decided to take the plunge and get a MacBook, after much consideration. To be honest, I've been thinking about switching over for a few months now, ever since my laptop crashed on me. Well, guess what - it crashed on me again a few days ago, and that was it. I think it's something to do with the hard disk, but frankly, I've had enough of Acer and Windows' infamous Blue Screen of Death. I swear, I've seen it so many times that I just shake my head and sigh when it comes up. The old laptop still works, but it's still quite whacked, and will crash without warning. And it's been three years anyway, so I figured that I might as well get a new laptop.



I almost couldn't believe the greeting in the manual. Haha. Seriously, though, I really do want to believe that! =P

I asked Adryll who's a Mac-user to help me out when I went to buy it, so he did a lot by explaining while we browsed in the store. That did help immensely, but I was actually still quite hesitant right up to the point where I was already at the counter, watching the salesperson making the transaction. My brain was going, "Oh my gosh, are you sure you're ready to make the switch? Are you sure you want a Mac? Are you sure you don't want to just stick to good ol' Windows?"


My new, white MacBook! It's all still so foreign to me.

After buying the MacBook, I spent the entire afternoon with Adryll explaining the basics and information that I needed to know. It was information overload, especially after classes in the morning, and by the end of the day, I was exhausted.

It's going to take me a few weeks to get the hang of this. I'm typing out this blog entry on the Mac, and even just this makes me realize the fact that I still need some time to learn where everything is. It's so tempting to go back to Windows, where everything is so familiar, especially after years and years of using the Windows interface.

I should be more excited, I think, but until I adapt myself to the Mac interface, I doubt I'll feel very happy yet. Lol.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The One with the Sale

Today is a freakin' 41 degrees blistering Celsius. I was dying in the heat, while walking back home.

It feels slightly jarring to come home to a dark, empty apartment, especially after living with three other housemates last year; they should be back some time in February, but until then, I'll be by myself. I'm getting used to the solitude - it's quite nice, actually.

While walking home today, I cut through Melbourne Central and the shopping malls in between all the streets - firstly, it saves journey time, and secondly - AIRCONDITIONING. I have NEVER been happier for the invention of the air-conditioner.

AND - I passed by Virgin CD store along the way, with all these huge SALE posters, and decided to check out what cheap movies they might have on sale, so I won't be entirely bored at home - and guess how much Friends DVD were going for.

$19 per season.

Yes, NINETEEN BUCKS! I have never seen it sold so cheaply before! What a bargain!!!

Of course, I couldn't resist, bought season 7, and upon reaching home, promptly switched on the TV and watched episode after episode while eating lunch.

I think I might return to the store again to buy more seasons. It's so tempting to buy all 10 seasons. At $19 per season, what's more, original DVD sets, it is so so so tempting.

I hope the sale doesn't end soon! (Oh my gosh, I sound so - fan-girly. I'm starting to creep myself out. Haha.)

It's supposed to be 40 degrees tomorrow. My coursemate asked me to a KTV session, so I'm looking forward to that and avoiding the heat.

I miss home and driving! =(

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Back in Melbourne.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


2007 seemed to have just simply flew by. I don't really want to do a lengthy post about the past year or a typical 'reflections on the year gone by' sort of thing. That year's over, and - well, frankly, let bygones be bygones.

We've all changed. From those carefree days back in SAS, would any of us have expected us to be where we are now? Maybe some of us expected it. Or perhaps some of us surprised at the magnitude of the change. But in spite of everything that's happened for each of us, wherever we are, I really do hope that for most of us, the friendships will still remain. Like what Juan said in her most recent post, I'm not exactly great at keeping in touch either. Most of us, probably. But that won't keep us from trying, right? At the risk of sounding nauseatingly mushy, I will stop before I ramble on anymore.


Here's to another year ahead of us - a fresh start; new memories to be made and laughed and talked about when we're old with walking sticks; moments of happiness and great fun; turning to friends when we just need a shoulder to cry on; exams and stressing over assignments (procrastination); last-minute cramming (we never learn, do we? Lol); relationships, family, friends; life.

Here's to 2008, everyone.