Friday, October 27, 2006

The One with the Haircut

Tomorrow is last day of semester!

We get a one week study break!

I still have so much to do!

I got a haircut yesterday ($20 for a cut-wash-blow, which is actually quite reasonable considering that Melbourne is a very expensive place to get haircuts).

The hairdresser chopped cut off almost all the lengths of my hair which had been permed.

My hair!!

My hair...!!

I couldn't see a thing while the hairdresser was mutilating cutting my hair, so what I saw through my blurred vision was just the black blob which was my hair, and the brown which somewhat resembled my face. (It doesn't sound that bad - the hairdresser, I mean. Neither is my vision. Oh fine. Yes, my vision is bad.)

So when she was done, and I put on my glasses, I was ... left speechless. I didn't know what to say. It wasn't that it's bad - it's just ... my hair... I've lived with this crazy hair for 19 years now, you'd think I'll be used to its wavy, thick, puffy texture by now.

I could rectify the damage new hair by straightening it again when I go back, but I refuse to let go through the whole straightening process again. (That, and I've had my hair straightened 4 times already!!) I rather sit through a perm, which is less painful.

Yeah, I'll be whining for the next two weeks.
When I had my hair permed, and cut, and got a fringe last December, you ought to be glad you weren't with me for the subsequent two weeks. I think I drove everyone around me nuts. Literally. Especially my hairdresser aunt, since she was the one who did my hair.

But anyway, getting haircuts - anything which has to do with my hair being cut/straightened/permed, always sees me complaining and moaning about it for the next week or so, until I get used to it and accept the fact that I can't, well, uncut my hair.

And I made the decision to get a haircut anyway (so I shouldn't be complaining, really). But nooo... I ought to have waited... waited till I returned to Brunei....

My hair....

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Freezing In The Land Down Under... and some.

It was freezing today. I said it before, and I'll say it again: I thought it's supposed to be spring!! Temperatures were all below 15 degrees... The day was deceptively sunny, but it felt like winter.

I hereby take back my complaints about that 36-degree-Celsius day.

Went to watch the Flare dance production (entitled 'Elements') just now with some friends from OCF. Flare is this dance club/ensemble at uni, and they put on a production every year. It was quite good. Makes me almost want to join and learn how to dance too. Lol. Halfway through, I remembered the time when Ern wanted a bunch of us to put on a performance for Teacher's Day or Speech Day or something. It wasn't only once; there were a few times, but each time, the plan never materializes, and we give up before we even started. Hahaha.

Anyway, went to Koko Black afterwards to have hot chocolate and more chocolate delicacies! Ahhh. Hot chocolate on a cold night - a beautiful combination.

On other matters, I've done my re-enrolment and put in my course transfer application; now to wait and pray.

I also lost $70+ worth of credit today.

[Insert words screams of frustration and a 15-minute rant.]

Okay, I feel better now. Gah. It was supposed to expire today, so I thought I'll recharge my credit today, but stupid Optus means it when they say it expires on 21/10/06... I thought it meant it'll expire at 00:00, 22/10/06 then. (If you follow my logic.) Maybe I'm used to what I did back in Brunei - with Easi, when the expiry date comes around, it expires after midnight on that said date (if I remember correctly). Sadly, that is not the case here.

The consolation I can have is that I am on the Turbo Recharge plan (meaning I get $120 worth of credit when I recharge $30 on my credit). Not much of a loss... I think. I didn't use a lot of credit this month (surprisingly).

I have to start studying!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Re-enrolment and subject selection for 2007 has opened, and along with it, finally bringing to front a decision I've been contemplating the whole year. This is the period when course transfer applications are also open... I was chatting with Jamie the other night and telling her that it seems that the whole headache of applying to universities, choosing the 'right' courses (will it ever be right?) doesn't end once you actually enter uni and start a new chapter of your life. (Well, at least for me... lucky for those who are confident and sure of what they want.)

I'm still pretty much confused over my future. I'm doing Music (though it's doubled with an Arts degree), and I'm enjoying it. So what's the problem? I don't know. My application for a transfer to Music/Law may very well be rejected, and once I apply, there will be the agony of waiting till next year before I finally receive an answer. But is it what I want? I don't know if I'll enjoy Law. I don't mind it, but at the moment, I'll just see where things go from here. I don't really hold high hopes of a successful transfer. If that doesn't go through, I guess I'll stick with my current double degree... or I might just want to drop Arts and go with a straight Music degree. (There you go, another 'dilemma'.)

I am doing what I want right now - and sometimes, I really can't imagine myself doing another course, like, a random Science degree or even Medicine. I can probably cope with it, but I doubt I'll enjoy learning about it. All those years of studying the sciences and math, and I still turn to Arts and Humanities even after coming out of a pure science stream. It's just the stereotypical Asian mentality that the sciences are always better than arts. Well, that's pure rubbish.

Anyway, I love this website - it has the cutest games, with the cutest animation and pictures, with lovely background music. I particular like one of the links, which is titled "Rain" at the bottom - just a simple flash of rain falling to the ground, with soothing, almost melancholic music accompanying it.

Apparently, Victoria is experiencing a dry spell now, and the news is all about water restrictions, etc. etc. (I think a few other states are experiencing this drought as well.) Come to think about it, it hasn't rain for quite some time now. I kind of miss the rain that we get back home. On those days, it's lovely to just stay at home and listen to nice music, read a book, drink something warm and simply relax.

Home... I'm Malaysian, but I know almost nothing about Malaysia. Honestly, I don't really feel much 'loss' for not knowing my own motherland. In retrospect, Brunei is actually a beautiful place to live in, for all the complaints that we used to have about its lack of [insert your choice of want/desire]. We've had it easy, and thinking about it, we really do lead very privileged lives in Brunei. What it lacks in, it makes up for in the little things I've come to appreciate.

I think I might want to settle in Brunei in the later future after doing all the things I want to do.

Anyway, life goes on.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Melting in the Land Down Under

The weather today was absolutely frightful - a blistering 36 freaking degree Celsius. The weatherman told me that the max was supposed to be around 30, but then, weathermen always lie, so I should have known better. It was hot and dry, so dry that I could almost feel myself being sucked empty of moisture and reduced to a withered heap of crispy, fried skin and cracked bones.

It's supposed to be spring!!! This almost makes me long for the cold days of winter again.

Oh well.

There's two more weeks of semester 2 left before swot vac (technically study break) and then we enter those weeks which all students have come to abhor. My exam timetable this time round is a bit more hectic (read: I actually have to do some *cough* serious studying. Not that I didn't for first sem.)

I realize I still have so much to do before these two weeks are up... I have yet to present my writing piece in Creative Writing workshop, I still have 7 exercises to present for Aural Studies, I have 12 weeks of material to cover/study (tons and tons of reading and listening to do) for Baroque and Classical Music, I have to memorize my pieces for my practical exam, I still have to change my flight date, I have to settle my accommodation stuff (breaking my current contract, if that can happen, and searching for a new place before I leave)... I have to... I have to...

*runs out of breath*

It doesn't sound that bad. Really.

I know I said I wouldn't nag at you, anymore, Jerry, but seriously, it would be nice to see you update here. Even if it's once in a blue moon. =P There's a reason why the blog is what it's called. Hope things are going well for you over there.

Monday, October 02, 2006

O, How Fast Doth The Days Passeth By

Mid-sem break will be over soon as disgruntled students trudge back to university reluctantly. Exam timetables are already out; a friend was ready to kill me when I informed her that I only have one paper (Baroque & Classical Music), and a practical exam. Need to get cracking at the books and put more effort into practicing too.


As reported previously, the soldiers had a tiring but extremely stimulating day. I'll try to get a few pictures, but as we couldn't bring any valuables onto the battlefield, you guys won't be able to see Connie in camouflage outfit and unflattering mask or any of us in action. We took some 'before' and 'after' shots, though.

One memorable incident:

Scenario: Connie is left all alone on the battlefield; her teammates have all been taken down.

Connie: (hides behind a tree)

Connie: (thinking frantically) Oh no! I can't be the only left... You've got to be joking... Ack! Who's that?? Who shot at me?! There's one there, on my left - okay, here goes - (aims gun at enemy and fires paintballs frenziedly) - Darn, I didn't get him/her!! Gaah - who was that??? On my right?? Another one?? No! (fires in the opposite direction) - What the - ?? There's another one in front of me!!

Noooo - 3 vs. 1!

I ran out of paintballs while trying to take them down - but I don't think I would have survived anyway!

Piano Stories IV

...which was actually a week ago. It was ... okay. Slightly disappointed. The songs were nice, though, but I thought that the pianist, a really talented Polish pianist who's won various competitions (but-I-can't-remember-his-name), was sight-reading most of the time. It seemed like he didn't really prepare for it. There were tons of mistakes, and that kind of ruined the songs, but ah well... The guest performer is a really beautiful Japanese violinist, who did an amazing job, but some technical issues (which are totally unrelated to her playing) ruined that, too. There are other aspects which I would love to complain about, but I shall not.


I can't believe it's already October. Where did all the days go?